1) Previous Experience
-I've been using paint since... forever, really. I've also used quite a but of Fireworks and Dreamweaver for other school courses.
- I don't have an previous projects to show. :c
2) Areas of Interest
- I haven't used many programs so I'm not sure which ones I like best. I'm open to learning pretty much anything, though. ^^
- I really want to learn how to colour sketches on the computer, like with Photoshop and such. I'd also like to learn photo retouching.
3) Interests
- I like to draw anime/Japanese animation style art. I stopped drawing from grade 6- grade 9 thoughbecause people were bullying me for it. I only started again at the beginning of this school year, and have already filled two sketchbooks.
- Birds. I have two as pets and I wouldn't give them up for the world. I also enjoy watching wild ones go about their daily buisness. It's quite amusing. ^_^
- Plants/nature. It's just so pretty. :3 I like to take pictures of trees and such to use as backrounds on my cellphone, computer, etc. Namely cherry blossoms, orchids, and maple leaves.
- Asian ball-jointed dolls. They're made of resin and come from either Korea, China, or Japan. I find is relaxing to set up photoshoots or make new clothes for them, however many peopel think they're rather creepy. ^^
- Music. Mostly foriegn. European and Asian pop. For some reason the popular stuff in North America tends to annoy me. :P
- Sports. - Does DDR count...? :/ I'd rather play videogames. None of those shooting games or anything though. I like cute things. Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon...
- Language. It's my goal to be able to speak as many languages as possible. I've taken French and Japanese at school, and at home Im using the internet to learn Swedish, Lithuanian, Old Prussian, and Russian. I'm taking Italian and German next year in school.
also inb4 tl;dr. 8D;;
wow cool post never knew you had so many interests